Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Company HQ 1st(Parachute) Co. 2/1stRSR

The headquarters section for 1st Parachute Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Royal Scotian Regiment.

Major S. Steel, SMV, CD. - Officer Commanding.

Maj. Steel Has been twice awarded the Star of Military Valour (SMV), Scotia's highest honour for gallantry in the face of the enemy.

The first was awarded for actions he performed as an Officer Cadet in the Defense of Scotia Campaign (Y39k.677) where he lead a platoon of raw recruits in a close assault against an enemy super-heavy.

He recieved a bar on the SMV for during his rotation with the Scotian Special Operations Regiment (y39k.683). The files on this award are closed. It is speculated that it was in the course of this action that he sustained the injuries that necessitated his extensive mechanical implants.

An inspiring officer, Steel leads from the front, usually in the swirl of melee where his enhanced strength and toughness can do the most damage to the enemy.


Lieutenant(N) G. Harding - Imperial Naval Support Coordinator

Captain D. Belliard - Company FOO

Captain K. Payeur - Company S-2 (Intelligence)

Also pictured:

Warrant Officer G. Makerenko - Company Standard Bearer
Lieutenant L. Shannon - Company Medic
Master Corporal D. Miles - Company Signaler
Sergeant M. Smith

1 comment:

  1. Great looking face conversion! I'd like to hear how that was done.
